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Using Scalable-Learning for Classroom Without Borders (#CWB116)

During a workshop on flipped learning I got to try Scalable-Learning and started to create training material for Google Mobile Bootcamp: Stockholm.

The couse is called:

Classroom Without Borders (#CWB116)


Objective: This course is designed to develop competence for Google Certified Educator Level 2, Unit 7 “Teach Beyond the Four Walls of Your Classroom” and UNIT 9: “Give Students a Voice”. You will learn to motivate and engage students in creative ways and find even more inventive ways to do this using Google tools to expose your students to faraway places, people, and things without actually leaving your school.

ScalableLearning helps teachers combine the best of online student preparation and in-class teaching for active learning and flipped classroom teaching.

Personal Learning Environment

I tried to summarise the tools I have in my Personal Learning Environment (PLE), but this network of services and resources is constantly changing.

MyPLE - New Page

Technology Enriched Instruction Into The Classroom


In 2016 eduToolkit will focus on Technology Enriched Instruction, since key trends accelerating technology adoption rely on real life examples of its current use. The NMC Horizon Project predict school will use Hybrid Learning Designs with both physical and virtual learning environments. There is an increasing interest to bring real life experiences into the classroom and this type of authentic learning has previously been limited to museums and science centres. Blended learning encourage students to follow their own learning pathways and interests.

Equipping teachers with the capacity to create a learning environment that will enable 21st century skills for students (Angela Shaerer)

Mission statement for 2016:

There is now new modules to apply simulations and gamified learning environments to your classroom. A digital badge is an online representation of a skill you’ve earned.badgeMix01

Skill badge: OfficeMix – A free add-in for PowerPoint with everything you need to easily create and share interactive online lessons



badgeLifeLiQe01Skill badge: LifeLiQe – LifeLiQe is presenting a visual learning tool with about 1000 interactive 3D models in breathtaking quality. The demonstrations and augmented reality can be integrated with OfficeMix



badgeMineCraft01Skill badge: MinecraftEdu – MinecraftEdu provides products and services that make it easy for educators to use Minecraft in the classroom. It contains many additions to the original game that make it more useful and appropriate in a school setting. We also offer a cloud-based solution for hosting Minecraft classroom servers so students and teachers can connect and play together.


badgeS4Y01Skill badge: School4You – School4You is an open and unrestricted gamified platform for collaboration in any given subject or project, with unlimited participants and administrators. This flexible platform is specially made for educational purposes. We use widgets and tools that the students already are used to. School4you will motivate the students’ inner drive and create a flipped classroom environment to support the user’s unique way of learning and teaching.